Newsletter #5! Please feel free to give me some feedback on how much you enjoyed it (or not) and what you’d like to see, or see more of. Here’s a link for feedback.

Linda and I spent a lot of time up at Bonita enjoying the snow and rain. We got a few odd projects done and I played a LOT with the 3D printer keeping it busy printing the whole time.

So, very little time to do much shooting. I had a couple shoots in the last few weeks and that’s a very sparse shooting schedule for me. But, I have a Fine Art Nude class on Saturday to teach as well as a student from San Fransisco flying in for training for a couple days. And scattered in there will be some work with the various models that show up for the training sessions. Friday I have three ladies coming, Alanna, Ariana, and Ellely, a new model I’ve not had the pleasure of working with yet.

And last night I gave a presentation at a Denny’s to a large photography club. It was great fun and wonderful people. The funny part came when I noticed the waitress was watching intently and when I asked if there were any questions, she asked me my name. Turns out she’s been wanting to work with me for a couple years and was shock it was me. (grin) Nice to have fans. We talked and I hope to have her in front of my camera soon. Sweet girl!

Until next Wednesday…

Enjoy and have an amazing week!!

Shameless ad

Remember, if you see some art you would like on your wall, or just on your phone in high res, let me know. I do sell both prints (up to 17”x22”) and digital copies for your pads and phones. Check it out!

Special discount for prints for my subscribers!! Use the code ‘davesnewsletters’ and get 50% off any purchases of prints or digital images on the site. And if you want one that isn’t there, let me know and I’ll do a special over for you!

And I provide 1on1 photography training as well as online training. And group sessions.

Some Composites

Most of you know I like to put models either in different places or add a background for mood. Here are some from last week. The one with Tina on the beach was actually taken at the shore of Salt Lake in Utah. It had a boring sky and no waves. So, I added those. And Tina’s hair is beautiful so I had to bring it out so you could see the curls. Then I put Marcel on another planet with some fun Steam Punk look. Love SP! And I gave Cynamon a cool battlith to play with so I put her in an ancient city.

Ariana - for yet another snake image. One of my favorite

Theres always room for more of Ariana and that hair and face. I revisited the snake shoot where they both fell in love, I swear. And a rare one with her wearing threads.

Randomness Abounds

A few more random edits I did last week. Enjoy these fine ladies.


I took an underexposed and very unappealing image from a past shoot and played with it until I got to this. One of my favorite images of Jami. I never know where the best images are going to come from. But they always show up…or call my name when I scroll past them when I’m scanning a shoot.

More fun with Sarah

Sarah now lives in Berlin but I hope to see her in May when my grandson and I plan to visit Europe and explore and do some street photography. Should be fun. I also hope to visit with one of my favorite inspiration photographers in Brighton, John Farrar.